. More about Jaya .

Back in 1989, I had a determined wanderlust coursing through my veins and a rampant thirst for travel bolstered by a boundless fearlessness. I stuffed my backpack full of useless things, left the mundane familiarity of my home town and set off to travel the world. I was 18 years old.

For many years I roamed across our beautiful planet, picking up various jobs to support my pilgrimage and embarked on many wild, weird and wonderful experiences to expand my quest to ‘find myself’ and grow. I stumbled across yoga quite by accident whilst traveling though India in 1995. I was hooked after that first lesson.

Even though I couldn’t touch my toes, I was eager to learn and understand more. After that I went to numerous classes, courses, workshops and retreats with an array of brilliant and wise teachers across the globe - following many traditions, including Hatha, Sivananda, Astanga and Iyengar. I never planned or envisaged to be a teacher, but a strong calling from deep within convinced me otherwise…  That’s when I embarked on a 9 month intensive yoga teacher training with Yoga Arts in Byron Bay, Australia in 2003.

I continue to expand my knowledge and regularly attend yoga and meditation trainings and courses alongside a variety of self development studies to enhance my experience of this wonderful and curious life.


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. Why Jaya does yoga .

Yoga helps me deal with external happenings in the world and teaches me about who I am and where I'm at. It gives me a sense of calm as I observe my inner mechanism, be in the present moment with my body, mind and spirit and allows space for my head to get out of the way. Yoga empowers me, stabilises me and helps me to find softness in severity ~ notice comfort in discomfort ~ release the grip and let go of the struggle. Yoga helps me find my inner truth and enables me to be a better version of me.


My motto is: “It’s all about balance.”

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. Why Jaya teaches yoga .

My purpose is to help people to live life to their own highest potential.

I find much joy and delight in helping people grow and also consider each person a teacher.

I learn so much from teaching, connecting with people and sharing my passions. My life is my spiritual practice, and has been consciously, since 1994.

I have felt so enriched on my journey, I feel compelled to share the gems of wisdom with others.

The teachers who influence me the most are Glenn Ceresoli, Clive Sheridan, Martin Aylward and Ya’Acov Darling Kahn. Other insightful people who have helped shape my thoughts and beliefs are Osho, Dolano, Buddha and my amazing mum.

. When Jaya lost her voice .

In 2006 I caught a strange illness when I was living in India which took away my voice, for 4 years. I was virtually silent for 1460 days. Trapped in my own private hell, those years were the most frightening, challenging and confusing of my life (so far). It took me a long time to come to terms with the diagnosis, yet in the those dark days my inner light never dimmed. There was a heartfelt wisdom that began to rise to the surface in those quiet days.

By nourishing my soul EVERY DAY with prayer, practice, willpower, faith and some loving support throughout the relentless battle to find my voice, I made it. I trusted the process. There are still difficult moments, even days when I struggle, though I know I am so much more than my voice.

I am a Divine being full of infinite possibilities. I believe we all are.

“Yoga helps pave the way to this connection with the infinite universe.”



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