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Learn Hormone Yoga Therapy.

The next course will run over 3 days and take around 5-6 hours in total.

Dates TBC.

. Hormone Yoga Therapy .


Hormone Yoga Therapy (HYT) is a rejuvenating and natural therapeutic approach to help any woman who has low or imbalanced hormones. HYT is a set sequence of dynamic asanas and strong pranayama breathing exercises, working alongside Tibetan concentration techniques and deep, relaxing visualisations. All these help stimulate and reactivate the glands within the endocrine system, focusing mainly on the ovaries, adrenals, thyroid and the pituitary. When practiced correctly and on a regular basis, together with a healthy diet and good lifestyle, HYT can significantly balance and increase your hormone levels to improve health within the body, mind and spirit. This dynamic practice, once learned, only takes around 30 minutes to do at home. 

No previous yoga experience is required.

Teaching the Hormone Yoga Therapy sequence in the U.K.


“ Jaya is one of the most wonderful yoga teachers I have ever met. A down to earth, warm, genuine person, dedicated and very professional. Most importantly for me: passionate about what she does.”



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‘‘Jaya intuitively knows how to bring the best out in her students, whatever their level and makes everyone feel equally important.”




Dinah Rodrigues, a 92 year old Brazilian yogini created this technique after many years of study. Her methods have been scientifically proven to have beneficial results.

I trained with Dinah in Germany in 2019.


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“Jaya has been teaching for a long time and still has the glow and the most beautiful energy - a true inspiration. I would recommend her to everyone.”



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