. Hosting & designing public & private retreats .

London ~ UK ~ Global

Fork&Bindi is a collaboration between myself and my partner, Marc, a retreat chef.

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We create a safe and magical space that helps to foster change. You are encouraged to break away from your usual habits and limitations. Under expert guidance, you will be challenged, gently, both mentally and physically through a variety of inspiring yoga styles, devotional practices, as well as many other uplifting and creative activities.  

Food plays an equal part in the pleasure. You are fed interesting, wholeheartedly wholesome meals… fresh food cooked with love and passion and packed with flavour. You’ll understand some basic nutritional know how, so that you can start to incorporate healthier food choices into your daily routine.

There are breakthroughs, interesting insights, shifts, releases and beautiful transformations. You go home feeling exhilarated, changed and rejuvenated.  They truly are for ‘yoga, food and wellbeing’.

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“Jaya and Marc created a welcoming, supportive and encouraging atmosphere in which to ground, let go and recharge. They are a wonderful team.”


“Jaya’s teaching was superb and Marc’s food was exceptional.They created an atmosphere that was welcoming, fun and safe.”


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More recently we have our own specialised incense handmade by our dear friend in India, Ramakrishna.  We also have started to make our own Christmas hampers, which include my own exquisite homemade Chocini Raw Chocolate selections and some of Marc’s unique creative delights.


Some pictures from our five day private bespoke retreat up in Scotland.

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